Friday, December 9, 2016

New Arrivals

We'd like to take an opportunity to formally introduce you to some of our new arrivals.

2 year old Sophie arrived almost a month ago.  It has been a joy to watch her settle in and to see her sweet smile.

Sophie is able to go to preschool each afternoon and she fits right in with the other students!

Little Tracy came at the end of November. She has big, beautiful eyes and is observant of the world around her.

Tracy is in our CCU for extra care and her big sister, Connie, wasted no time welcoming her!

8 month old Emmanuel also arrived at the end of November.  He and his nannies have spent time getting to know each other and we love seeing his smile!

Finally, Ryan arrived just this week. He is 3 months old and is as sweet as can be. We can't wait to get to know him more and watch him grow.

We can't wait to see how each of these new arrivals grow and blossom with love and the medical care that they need. We are so thankful for each of these precious children!

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